On June 25, Vienna plans to kick off the vaccination of children and adolescents between the ages of twelve and 18 who are not reached via the professional route. To the appointments, parents can come along, said Health City Council Peter Hacker (SPÖ) announced on Tuesday.
Registration and booking under: impfservice.wien
The parents wil, at the same time the vaccine in the “parent-child vaccination”, Hacker announced Tuesday evening to the TV station Puls24. For those under 14, a person with custody must book the appointment. If the child is older (mature minor), he can legally decide independently and thus fix a vaccination appointment himself.
Appointment booking from next week
When booking, you can specify how many accompanying persons will come along and be vaccinated: none, one or two. The vaccination will take place at the Austria Center Vienna with the vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer, according to Hacker. The appointment booking should be possible at the beginning of next week.
10,349 people between the ages of 12 and 15 have been pre-registered in Vienna, the department told APA. That is 15 percent of Vienna’s resident population of this age. 501 people in this age group have already been vaccinated for the first time (0.7 percent). In addition, 32,609 16- to 19-year-olds in Vienna have been preregistered, which is 45 percent of the resident population of this age in Vienna. 10,717 persons in this age group have already been vaccinated a first time (14.7 percent).
Vaccination dates for children with risk diseases
A total of 31,740 children and young adults have been registered but have not yet been vaccinated. This target group is now being addressed. In addition, 1,500 vaccination appointments for children aged twelve to 18 who belong to a high-risk group will be made available next week.
— surce: orf.at/picture:screenshot: impfservice.wien
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